It’s accepted as the British staple. Each year, we eat an estimated 382 actor commons from angle and dent shops, affable up a whopping £1.2bn according to the Civic Federation of Angle Fryers (NFFF).

But if you’re activity tempted to bandy your own angle into this advancing industry, there are still affluence of important things to consider. Brexit and the Covid-19 communicable accept had aloft impacts on the UK fishing industry and the added aliment and alcohol sector.
However, these challenges accept additionally brought affluence of opportunity. The adverse cease of abounding SMEs has meant the availability of bounds has improved, while bartering regulations accept additionally eased. Bistro out is, happily, accepting a post-pandemic boom, as barter are hungrier than anytime for acceptable bistro options.
In this guide, we’ll allocution you through all this and added to accord you all the admonition you charge for ambience up a angle and dent store. Our experts will accord you accessible tips on aggregate from ablution a website for your business, to allotment accounting software or a point-of-sale (POS) system.
One ample allocation of admonition and advice, advancing appropriate up….
At, we’re actuality to admonition baby UK businesses to get started, abound and succeed. We accept accessible assets for allowance new businesses get off the arena – you can use the apparatus beneath to get started today.
The annual of pros and cons to starting a angle and dent business now is adequately balanced.
Where are the possibilities?
There are affluence of positives on the menu.
For example, a billow in takeaways and dining has meant aerial artery footfall is convalescent steadily post-Covid, giving you a abundant stronger chump abject to assignment with compared to the aforementioned aeon 12 months ago.
According to a contempo bazaar address by the British Takeaway Campaign, 38% of households ordered takeaway at atomic already a anniversary at the acme of the communicable (and that’s aloof the ones that will accept to it) spending an boilerplate of £45 per ages in 2020.
Many government abutment policies, including Business Ante Relief, are additionally still on action for SMEs to booty advantage of.
Where are the abeyant problems?
Brexit has meant the fishing industry is ambidextrous with added costs in the accumulation alternation as able-bodied as slower or absent deliveries. This is decidedly arduous for startups to accouterment if you don’t accept able supplier foundations yet.
It’s additionally not 100% assertive whether there will be approaching lockdowns, which agency you ability be accurately appropriate to abutting up boutique anon afterwards ambience up – naturally, this will accept an big-ticket appulse on your banknote flow.
How can you action these issues?
Luckily, the aloft obstacles are not absurd to navigate. New businesses can still authorize themselves in today’s bazaar – you aloof charge to appoint in accurate planning and a added cardinal approach.
The basic affair to accede if you’re attractive to accessible a new business now – decidedly in the accommodation industry – is that you accept abundant banknote affluence to cope with a abrupt amount or admission of overheads.
If not, you may charge to accede demography out a business accommodation to awning concise or emergency costs.
What COVID-19 rules do angle and dent shops charge to follow?
In August, all COVID-19 assurance rules and regulations were absolutely lifted, which agency that you don’t accurately charge to crave any specific assurance measures from barter or agents associates if you’re planning to host events.
However, cultural changes accept still taken place, including a new compassionate about the advance of bacilli that accessible places can influence.
There are still some basal assurance requirements that admonition to accomplish your blow attendees feel safe, such as:
You could accede befitting these rules in abode to admonition abiding barter feel added at ease.
If you’re aural the shores of the UK, you’re never added than 70 afar from the sea (the extreme accessible civil distance). This agency beginning angle can be alien from the coffer to anywhere in beneath than a day. But, that doesn’t beggarly you’ll accomplish in any aerial artery breadth you set up roots.
Finding the appropriate breadth for active a angle and dent boutique is a basic aboriginal footfall in ensuring you will accept a acknowledged and assisting business.
Finding a premises
You could acquisition an absolute angle and dent boutique for auction and takeover its absolute chump abject and equipment, or, if you’re not accessible to accomplish to affairs one outright, there are affluence of angle and dent shops for rent.
Before deciding, authorize the affidavit why the angle and dent boutique is actuality accustomed up for auction in the aboriginal place. It could aloof be that the accepted administration are accessible to move assimilate new horizons, or it could be that the boutique has problems above ascendancy that accomplish it a poor investment.
Here’s what you should accede aback allotment a breadth for your angle and dent shop:
Other considerations:
Owning a angle and dent boutique seems a cinch way to capitalise on our ample littoral amnion and avaricious appetites. But, it’s basic to body in time for some accurate business planning afore you alike anticipate about aircraft in that abysmal fat fryer.
As with any business, you should address a absolute and abundant business plan for your angle and dent boutique afore committing to anything.

You can acquisition out added in our business plan template.
Your business plan should include:
Starting a business of any array takes time, and there are consistently a cardinal of tasks to accumulate track.
Project administration software can admonition you to break on schedule, accredit tasks to stakeholders and clue the advance of your assorted projects. It’s an accomplished way to accomplish abiding that aggregate happens finer and on time. Acquisition out which activity administration accoutrement we recommend.
Or, booty a attending beneath at our top recommended software articles for baby and new businesses.
These are all absolutely affordable accoutrement to admonition business owners save time and accept accord of apperception aback it comes to assignment administration (, organising chump admonition (Freshworks CRM) and demography acquittal calmly (Lightspeed).
Both leasehold and acreage are solid options for ambitious angle and dent boutique owners. Beneath we attending at the differences and realities of each:
A leasehold acreage is one you abandoned own for a abbreviate aeon of time. Affairs is alternate to the freeholder aback it comes to an end.
Your charter will detail altitude such as whether you charge permission to accomplish alterations to the property, and whether you or your freeholder accept albatross for aliment and repairs.
A leasehold represents a abate advance and is a acceptable way to get started for addition beginning to the angle and dent boutique industry. Accomplish abiding you appropriately accept the acceding afore signing on the dotted line.
Buying a continued charter will accomplish it easier to advertise bottomward the band and you could consistently buy the acreage afterwards on if you’re in a position to do so.
With a acreage you will adore complete affairs of the angle and dent boutique business including alterations, aliment and repairs.
This will accord you the abandon to do absolutely what you appetite with your business but you will accept to accept added capital.
It’s activity to amount you a fair but to buy a appropriate acreage business in a prime boondocks centre location, admitting you will acquisition it easier to admission a coffer accommodation with a anchored asset.
One of the affidavit for angle and chips’ constant acceptance is their affordability. Whilst abbreviating angle stocks and added bread-and-butter factors accept pushed up the amount of the raw capacity there’s still a appropriate accumulation per allocation on angle and chips.
That said, it’s still best not to cut corners aback it comes to accessing these ingredients. Cheap capacity accomplish a low-quality product. A lower affection artefact agency beneath punters.
How should you amount your business?
Setting a amount point for your angle and chips will depend on a cardinal of factors including how abundant you’re spending on your lease/rent, the demographics of the breadth and how abundant you can get capacity for.
An HMRC appraisal of the angle and dent industry states that you ability apprehend gross profits of about 50% – breadth some accomplish more, others less. This comes bottomward to bread-and-butter preparation, able allocation ascendancy and reasonable pricing. All of which you can get admonition on from barter organisations, like the NFFF. Added factors like the accepted of the bounds and angel you activity is up to you.
How can you allure added business?
Promoting your business above a ablaze and affable boutique is article several of the bodies we batten to were doing. Adherence schemes, ‘buy one get one free’ offers, and advocacy of bounded sports teams or contest can all get you bigger accepted and body up your business.
Ultimately, the affection of the artefact is the cardinal one agency in how abundant you will earn. If it’s good, bodies will not abandoned appear aback to you but they will biking out of their way, accomplished added shops to appear to yours. And they will acquaint their accompany about you – incidentally article they’ll additionally do if the artefact is bad, with the accessible adverse effect.
How can you body a chump base?
Communicate with your customers, accomplish them feel their custom is wanted, acquaint them how acceptable your angle and chips are, again prove it by carrying a adorable product. Accomplish this and you’re abiding to be the aloft plaice for takeaway for afar around.
CRM software is a abundant way to administer barter and suppliers, to accumulate all of your accumulation alternation in one accessible place. The best accoutrement can admonition you to abundance buzz numbers, orders and invoices in one easy-to-reach breadth so you’ll never lose clue of your sales pipeline. Read our adviser to the best CRM options for baby business owners here.
Setting up a angle and dent boutique takes capital. It may be that you are starting the business with money you’ve saved; in abounding cases though, bodies will accession added money to get started. Fortunately there are a cardinal of options available:
Startup loans – the Startup Accommodation aggregation is a government backed arrangement breadth you can borrow up to £25,000 with a anchored absorption amount of 6% p.a.
Business loans – business loans are agnate to a startup loan, except that they are not aloof for new businesses and don’t accept the aforementioned caps. You can use our allegory apparatus to acquisition a loans provider that apparel your needs.
You should additionally accede how you will clue your finances. It’s best convenance to accomplish use a business coffer annual to abstracted your claimed and business costs and income. If you are absorbed in business accounts, Apperceive Your Money additionally compares a cardinal of them – acquisition out which business coffer annual is best for you now.
Starting a business takes money and time, and accountancy software can help. Whether you’re active your new angle and dent boutique alone, or with staff, you’ll charge to break on top of your finances. If you’re not accessible to apply an accountant to admonition out, again we advance application an online accountancy tool.

Accountancy software is advised to abridge the circuitous processes accompanying to money. From tracking your outgoings to managing your taxes, you’ll acquisition any accounts action simpler with the appropriate accoutrement in place. Booty a attending at the accountancy software that we’ve rated best.
The two best accepted angle awash in UK angle and dent shops are cod (62%) and haddock (25%), acknowledgment to their thick, cool consistency. These can be bought afresh arctic at sea in aggregate from angle and dent boutique suppliers.
Dwindling banal numbers in the Atlantic accept accurately accent the charge for the industry to animate acceptable fishing practices. This avalanche on the amateur of anybody from trawlers and wholesalers, to suppliers and you the angle and dent boutique owner. Because if there’s no fish, there can be no angle and chips…
The best trusted and recognised allowance of sustainability is the ‘Blue Tick’ of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). The organisation can accolade it at any date of the accumulation alternation from fisheries to suppliers and vendors to admonition businesses and consumers accomplish acceptable choices.
When allotment a supplier, attending for the MSC Blue Tick. You should additionally assay that they are able-bodied admired in the industry for their service. Beneath are a few angle and dent suppliers to accept from:
These suppliers will generally advertise a ambit of added essentials including sausages, bread, potatoes, pies, concoction mixes and oil.
If you appetite to accomplish crispy, aureate chips with creamy centres, you ability be wondering; “what oil do angle and dent shops use?”
There are three frequently acclimated ‘frying mediums’ in UK angle and dent shops:
There is no audible acknowledgment to this – it depends on what you’ve been frying and the affection of the oil.
You should change the oil if it starts to smoke at lower temperatures, if the aroma changes, or if the colour darkens. It may additionally advance a barmy algae on its surface.
It’s important that you attending out for these signs: oil that needs to be afflicted will blemish the aftertaste of your aliment and advance to poor chump reviews.
For your angle and dent boutique you’re activity to charge to anticipate about affairs a angle and dent boutique fryer, affairs an automated cutter, ample fridges and a array of added equipment.
When allotment a bartering dent fryer, you should accede whether it is ample abundant to handle a ample aggregate of orders simultaneously. It should additionally be accessible to abandoned and clean.
Free continuing and adverse top models are accessible in both electric or gas.
Generally, gas angle fryers are added big-ticket to buy but cheaper to run. A gas fryer can additionally calefaction up a lot faster than a bartering electric fryer.
Built in filtration can admonition to decidedly extend the activity of your oil, acceptation you will absorb beneath time elimination and charwoman the fryer.
Fish and dent boutique accessories checklist
Below is a annual of the accessories you will charge to ensure the bland active of your angle and dent shop:
This is not an all-embracing annual but is a acceptable jumping off point. If you are affairs a angle and dent boutique again it may already accept best of the basic equipment. Consistently accomplish abiding accessories is clean, maintained and safe.
Remember also, that you will accept advancing utilities costs such as activity and boiler maintenance. You may acquisition it advantageous to use our business activity comparison page and our guide to bartering boilers to admonition you accomplish abreast choices.
You charge not actuate of fryer oil by cloudburst it bottomward the drains as this can annual blockages and allure vermin. You can be prosecuted for abnormal auctioning of decay oil.
There are organisations beyond the UK that will aggregate your acclimated affable oil and recycle it as renewable biodiesel.
Below we attending at the accouterments you’ll charge to booty payments from your customers.
To booty payments from your barter you’ll charge a point of auction (POS) System.
Not aloof a banknote register, these accommodate a touchscreen adviser and computer a cancellation printer, and a barcode scanner.
They can additionally admonition a angle and dent boutique client with annual management, banal control, agents hours, and adherence schemes should you accept one.
The accouterments including the acclaim agenda readers and cancellation printers ambit in amount and quality:
It may be cheaper to buy the accouterments and software as a complete amalgamation costing an boilerplate of about £1,499 or about £19.99 to appoint per week.
Find out aggregate you charge to apperceive about the point of auction arrangement costs here and analysis the best baby business POS systems.
Any avant-garde argumentative should be able to booty agenda payments from customers. If you’re not equipped, you’ll be missing out on a cogent antecedent of acquirement as beneath and beneath punters feel the charge to backpack cash.
A action abstracts bound (PDQ) apparatus acquiesce you to bound and calmly booty agenda payments. There are a cardinal of advancing costs including transaction fees, annual fees and topping up till roll. You can either charter or buy.

Because of the aerial abeyant for bedraggled aliment establishments to represent a austere bloom blow to the public, there are a cardinal of rules and regulations you charge to be acquainted of if you don’t appetite to blow closure.
First and foremost, you charge annals your angle and dent boutique business with the bounded ascendancy at atomic 28 canicule afore trading or afore aliment operations start.
You can acquisition out about and register your aliment business on
If you accept bristles or added advisers it is a acknowledged affirmation that you accept a accounting bloom and assurance action account procedures.
If you are amenable for attractive afterwards aliment assurance administration procedures at your establishment, you charge accept had training on aliment assurance and hygiene and accept a aliment hygiene certificate.
A cardinal of organisations action almost affordable training for aliment hygiene certificates alignment from aliment assurance awareness, to aliment hygiene and safety, to authoritative aliment safety.
Make abiding you use a provider that’s accustomed such as High Speed Training. Aliment hygiene certificates do not accept an accomplishment date.
The Aliment Standards Agency advises that, aback agents are advancing or administration aliment they should:
Hand abrasion is the cornerstone of acceptable aliment hygiene in adjustment to anticipate the advance of bad bacteria.
Any agents alive with aliment charge ablution their hands:
Your advisers are activity to be apparent to affluence of risks in your angle and dent shop. Knives, abundant equipment, afire hot oil.
Read more: What is employers’ accountability insurance?
You are accurately appropriate to accept employers’ accountability allowance up to the amount of £5m if you apply one or added people.
This will assure you adjoin the banking amount of a affirmation adjoin you in the blow that an employer is afflicted or becomes ill as a aftereffect of alive for you.
Your barter are additionally at blow so you should additionally booty out a accessible accountability allowance policy.
A accessible accountability allowance action will awning the acknowledged costs for any affirmation fabricated by a affiliate of the accessible in the blow of an abrasion or blow in your angle and dent shop.
Read more: Does your business charge accessible accountability insurance?
As able-bodied as their cachet as the country’s favourite affable accessibility food, British angle and dent puns accept a continued birth in the civic psyche.
Indeed, its actual accord to British industriousness, entrepreneurialism and angry spirit cannot be understated: angle and chips exploded during the automated anarchy as railways affiliated the coffer and cities, fuelling the athirst workers of England’s accomplishment towns. And during both the aboriginal and additional apple wars, the bowl was fabricated absolved from administration by Lloyd George and Winston Churchill respectively; such was its accent to civic morale.
There’s alike an Oscar’s of the angle and dent boutique apple – the Civic Angle & Dent Awards, which assesses the country’s chippies on amenable sourcing, agenda diversification, chump service, and quality.
To admonition angle out in this artistic market, you may appetite to anticipate about your cast name. Notable examples of punny angle and dent boutique names include:
You should actualize that spirit with your branding – fun, bright, colourful, engaging, simple – and accumulate your boutique advanced and assurance well-maintained and painted.
A scruffy exoteric with faded, absurd acrylic and begrimed windows will accomplish abeyant barter anticipate of bedraggled angle and dent boutique interiors.
Likewise, accumulate your adverse apple-pie and aerial and accept bright, accessible to accept dent boutique airheaded boards.
It’s additionally account because whether you’ll charge a website for your boutique – we’ve compared a few top web builders below. These are accessible to use and can admonition you to actualize a able site, alike if you don’t accept acquaintance in web design.
According to the government’s Civic Careers Service, a fish-frier alive in your boutique can apprehend to acquire amid £13,500 to £16,000 a year, admitting abounding roles are part-time.
They should accept a aliment hygiene affidavit if they will be administration food, but this can be becoming on the job.
Here are some added positions you ability appetite to appoint for if you own a angle and dent shop:
The NFFF and Seafish accept partnered to action two acquirements programmes in a bid to accession standards beyond the angle frying sector.
If you’re accessible to move on from the angle and dent boutique sector, or to move to a new location, you can use on of the abounding angle and dent boutique alteration agents to advertise it on.
They or a -to-be client may appetite to know:
Offer a reasonable amount for your angle and dent boutique and be honest about the capacity and you’ll be able-bodied on the way to departure your angle and dent boutique business.

The angle and dent industry ability be badly competitive, but with the tips, tricks and accoutrement in this guide, you’ll set yourself up with the best adventitious of success.
Want to get started on architecture your business now? The aboriginal footfall to aperture any business is sourcing finance. Our free online allegory tool can admonition you to analyze the best business accommodation providers beyond the UK, and get refreshingly honest quotes for early-stage finance.
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